2023 Fall – LING1100:
Language, Thought, and Reality: How We’re Laughter Crafters

Instructor of Record, Cornell University, Department of Linguistics, 2023

Instructor: Me

Materials for this course can be found here.

Key topics:

  • … involving writing ability:
    • Refining argumentation
    • Analyzing a diverse set of materials
    • Understanding and adopting style
    • Revising constructively
    • Writing collaboratively
    • Researching, designing, conducting, and documenting a novel research questions
    • Finding a writer’s voice
  • … involving the linguistic features of humor:
    • Learning fundamental skills of linguistic analysis
    • Aligning form with function
    • Studying visual humor with a linguistic approach
    • Discovering sociolinguistic influences on humor
    • Analyzing humor synchronically and diachronically


  • Designing course and all materials (in-class materials, preparatory work, essays)
  • Grading journals and essays
  • Leading class and adopting to students’ needs
  • Holding office hours (2hrs / week)